Of the many I made I picked a few and opened them in photoshop where I added the complimentary colors of the wheel as semi-transparent overlapping areas that surround each node. The idea was to get these colors to overlap to create new tints where they intersect.
Confused emotions? In-between states? New forms of psychoses?

In order to create a suitably serious feel to the layout I added a short description and a legend. Needless to say, Arial - the font of choice for such somber endeavors was the one that was used.

The wallpapers that I made out of the randomized graphs and the wheel colors are above.
However, having gotten totally bored by now with all the poo-faced scientific inquiry stuff I took the play session to a whole new level and applied the kitschiest of kitsch, i.e., page curl effects to some of the diagrams. And I use them as desktop wallpapers to this very day!
Two of them are below and the other one is at the top of this page.

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Mazeretim var!
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Kafanız sürekli bozuk mu? Etrafınızdaki herkese uyuz mu oluyorsunuz? Yalnız değilsiniz! Zor dönemlerden geçiyoruz ve, sade sizin değil, herkesin siniri burnunda! Yani bol bol mazeretimiz var. Fakat böyle olmak zorunda mıyız? Acaba bizi yatıştırcak, daha uyumlu kılacak bir takım numarlar yok mudur? Bu sitede kızgın kedinin kendi asabiyet durumuna bulduğu çareleri öğreneceksiniz: Sağlıklı yemek ve gerinmek. Evet, evet - bu kadar basit! Buyrun, gösterelim...